Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August 2009

Visited Mom first half of August. She was talking lots more and saying whole sentences in context which was quite amazing. She seems to do best in the moment when not thinking to hard about things. Here speech therapy is going well and the therapist John has great hope. He explains that her perseveration (repeating nonsense syllables) is akin to normal mental wrestling with tough problems. At a certain point it all becomes clear and we get it. this is possible with Mom any day now.

Her is a sampling of things I heard her say w/ my own ears.
"Yeah maybe so "I was wondering what you was doing
"They are good for me "Want some more? "No I had enough
"Just like supposed to "Oh my heck "I don't need any
"Excuse me "I guess I could taste one :) "Is that yours
"What did you say?

Stopping at donna's on the way to Uncle Don's funeral Mom got real thirsty
and when we pulled into the driveway she said, "I would like a drink and then
after a big thirst slacking sigh said, "You gotta have some

She Loves doing the fist bump w/ me and can say very sweet prayers
"Help us "bless us "Okay = Amen

She even gave me a dirty look when I swore once

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuesday, March 17

Larry has just reported fantastic news after visiting with Mom at the Rehab center... Mom gets a week end pass!

IvaLue has done so well in one week of rehab that she will be allowed to return home for the week end Saturday and Sunday. This comes as a near miracle for most of us who saw her just a week ago barely able to move her right side. She is still scheduled for two more weeks.

Mom's recent physical accomplishments are impressive...
- Walking 300 feet and back unaided (Of course nurse is near just in case)
- Steps up a bank of 4 stairs, turns on a platform and descends
- Exercises aggressively on elliptical bike for 5 minutes
And she does this several times each day.

Doctors have removed the IV and are close to removing the feeding tube. It is used only as a backup now since she is eating about half of her prepared strained food. With the tube out she will be on her own except of course the medications. Operating a spoon is still difficult but should return with a bit more practice.

Her spirit is bright and some say even spunky. Apparently, her new room mate Ida May snores loudly, and Mom is not happy about that. She will make a frowny face and then fake snoring to the delight of family members but not Ida May.

Recent words spoken include HELLO (with a wave), Yes, and I love you. Mom is enjoying visits, music, live video skype sessions (from Noah and Paul) and lots of attention from the whole family.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday, March 15

It's Sunday ad IvaLue has been in rehabilitation for several days now and making great progress. She sits up and scoots to the side of the bead when she is ready for a little walk walking or to go to the rest room. Larry reports that she can walk around with just a minor bit of support (holding hands).

Doctors have moved her feeding tube to the stomach instead of intestines (progress) and she has started eating strained food in small quantities. Her last meal was mashed potatoes, pureed beens and steak. She is swallowing well which was a huge concern just days ago. (Some of us from the Godfrey side have always had a little trouble swallowing and getting food down the wrong tube).

Work on the alphabet and numbers is progressing more slowly. Mom still has clear memory of the cadence and rhythym of talking but the words tend to be jumbled and unintelligible. She has a growing vocabulary. Uh Oh and my nurse are some of the latest utterances.

Doctors have theorized that Mom's irregular heartbeat (atrial fibrillation) may have caused a blot clot to form initially which caused all the current trouble. Apparently the same thing is still possible because the fibrillation continues. Doctors thankfully are now able to administer blood thinning drugs to lessen the chance for another clot because the former swelling/ bleeding in the brain has diminished.

Almost forgot to mention the exercise bike. Mom rides an exercise bike twice a day for 5 minutes, which I dare say is more than the rest of us.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friday, March 13

Iva Lue was moved to rehabilitation late Wednesday. On Thursday she worked very hard with her new routine of exercises for more than three hours. This really tires her out and was very tired today.

Mom continues to love songs and visits from babies. She has improved physically to be able to take a few steps on her own and has now mastered several words. This is great progress from just a week ago.

Ray and Noah are collaborating on capturing all her music onto an Apple iTouch so she will have plenty of great 'oldies' to brighten the long hours in the rehab facility.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday, March 10

10 AM: Just talked with Dad and he is holding up remarkably well. He has been spending every day by Mom's side, working with the doctors for best care and direction.

Therapist efforts have been stepped up and now include brushing teeth, eating pudding, standing on her own, using fingers to point. The care at the hospital is amazing. Everyone is friendly, positive and helpful almost to a fault. Despite best efforts, once in a while a new nurse or therapist will fall into Mom's displeasure and she does not hesitate to let them know they are no longer welcome.

The rehabilitation doctors are still concerned with Mom's current limited comprehension, ability to follow directions. Even so she is being prepared for moving to a separate facility late today or tomorrow. This facility requires three hours of strenuous occupational therapy each day and is well known for extraordinary success with patients.

Grandson Noah is working on putting IvaLue's favorite music on an iPod because she really seems to enjoy listening and matching the beat by swinging her arms.

Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday, March 9

Mom had an exciting Sunday filled with firsts. She stood by herself and took a long tour of the hospital in a wheel chair. She is really starting to try out words with reports by everyone who says they are certain she spoke new words clearly.

During her previous hospital stay, mom never liked TV or music. Now she seems to really enjoy listening to music, especially the older big band, Lawrence Welk style. She is less but still amused with watching old TV intro's like Gomer Pyle, USMC and Andy Griffith. For most of us old timers these shows are burned deeper into our brains tahn our own names.

As before IvaLue loves visits from great grand babies the best. She gets very ecited and coos and plays with them. It's darling to watch both ends of ife interact so lovingly and powerfully. Her newest skill is waving goodbye.

Thanks again for concerns. Feel free to post additional information or questions.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

IvaLue was extra tired last night after entertaining many visitors yesterday. This morning she was perky and sang a few songs. She loves the oldies she remembers especially the kids songs.

Latter in the day she found the dog box interesting. Its has top, bottom, sides, front and end views of the real Princess. She looked like she was understanding that it represented something very important in her life. When LueAnn and Donna barked like Princess, Mom joined in.

In the late afternoon we had another roomful and she sang old songs Noah pulled up on the computer. Lawrence Welk was her favorite and she keeps beat with her hands and sings nonsense words in time.

She has been using the right hand quite alot today and toward afternoon mastered waving goodbye... with both hands.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday, March 6

Katie, Larry's daughter, brought her two baby sons in this morning for the second day. Iva Lue was delighted with them and even played peek a boo. She lets out joyful shouts, sings, winks, and mimics facial expressions. Iva Lue is quite a bit of fun to be around inspite of no speaking and questionable understanding (technical term = aphasia).

She has in the last few days begun to move her right arm and put weight on her right foot. She can sit and stand up with lots of support. Although she is still struggling with language she has mastered NO, vowels A, O and E. Some of us think she got real close to saying baby boy and beautiful. She rang bells while we all sang Christmas songs with fluffy snow flakes falling outside.

Ray and the kids had a meeting w/ the doctors at 11 AM to discuss the overall situation and possible futures. They were very positive about the recent improvements and want to keep her a few more days then transfer her to rehab.
Her heart rate needs to stabilize (she suffers from atrial fibulation) and her stamina needs to increase for rehab. She enjoys the many visitors but also gets pretty tired by the end of the day.

We appreciate your concern and prayers.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tuesday March 3

Mom was much brighter today. She was more aware of surroundings.
Seems to recognize people. She was quite stern with the speech
pathologist that she didn't seem to like.

She is still unable to say words but uses tone to get her message across.